speaking of which, what happened to the summer?! the last couple of weeks have been rainy/cloudy/drizzly and generally pretty dark. is this the end of the summer? at least it's still warm out. the weather has been somewhat conducive to getting things done around the house though.
the puppy just his is eighth month old mark! i can't believe how big he is. my parents watched him the other day and they said he's definitely calmed down a lot. we went on a walk and he met another puppy. this one was so small still he could have walked underneath vito. it was really cute. they were both wagging and wanting to play. here vito is, helping me with laundry (meaning he rolls around and nabs folded clothes):

yesterday i finished another project...it is a wedding gift for one of my old college roommates who is getting married this weekend. unfortunately i can't make it because a ticket from the arctic is ridiculously priced. i won't post pictures yet because i don't know if my friend reads the blog or not and don't want to spoil the surprise if she does. so once i know for sure that she received the gift, i'll post pics. i must say, it looks darn gorgeous.
other projects...i started a knitting project (since winter is looming right around the corner). i'm making a hooded zip up sweater. i got the pattern from knitty - if you like knitting, check this site out. it's awesome. had to adjust everything based on my swatch of aqua blue yarn. finished the back of the sweater and it actually measures what it is supposed to, for once.
i'm also doing some preparations for my upcoming fall shows: bad girls of the north & crafts weekend at the museum. got some books bound and have been working on a cost sheet so i can come up with a wholesale list & introduce a new line of products. lots and lots of number crunching.
more soon...