Thursday, June 30, 2011
lost dog update
wedding set

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
lost (& hopefully found soon) dogs
i had a different post planned for today...but this happened yesterday....
it's been a couple of months since any lost pups have crossed my path...but fate decided yesterday was the day. i had actually stayed at work a few minutes later than normal, which was a good thing. otherwise, i don't think i would have come across these guys.
they were trotting alongside a very busy street and no one was even slowing down. i pulled over ahead of them, popped on my hazards, and got out. my plan was to get a look at their collars & call the number on the tags. the second i was standing next to my car, they ran up and said hi, happily wagging. so i opened the back door and they immediately jumped in and sat down.
i kept thinking "well that was easy." then i noticed they had collars, but no tags. so i called animal control to see if anyone called in for them (nope) and they suggested bringing them to the shelter. they would be scanned for a microchip and cared for until the owners were found.
the one in the front is probably a pit bull and the other is maybe a shepherd mix. both were SO sweet, obviously someone's pets.
this guy practically curled up in my lap
as of this morning, they are still on the animal control's website. i hope their owners find them soon. i think they only have 3 days before they are adopted out.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
this week...
....a beautiful wedding set i finished over the weekend!
....a new project on the horizon equipment in the works
....a birthday gift for my dear friend
and, let's face it, there will probably be puppy pics. because they are so darn cute.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
puppy owiee
thursday afternoon, we took the pups to the park - they ran around like crazy and had a blast! then, as we were walking back up to the car, we noticed vito had blood from is upper pad to his paw. he had a pretty good cut on his leg (not that it slowed him down at all), so we cleaned him up and bandaged his owiee as best we could.
friday afternoon, i checked on him & mia and took one look at his paw and immediately called the vet.
i took him in and they looked his cut, cleaned it and redressed the wound. they gave him a sedative that made him seem drunk so they could really check his cut. and seeing vito that way, SO helpless and sad, just broke my heart. especially since he's such a happy, vibrant pup.
i had to help vito into the car and he laid down the entire ride home - which he's never done is his 2.5 years of being alive. he whimpered quite a bit and barely managed to get up the stairs. i'm pretty sure that trip to the vet was harder on me (emotionally) than it was on him.
thankfully, he's back to normal now. i'm pretty sure he's trying to make up for his afternoon of sleeping because he's become extra crazy vito.
Friday, June 10, 2011
guest book
Thursday, June 9, 2011
memorial weekend
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
phone blog attempt 2
below are some pics of one of the projects i'm currently working on. i handset some type to print a name plate for a guest book:
ink! thank goodness for my pantone chart...
handset lead type in 16pt century gothic
ta - da!
* it sorta worked. i can't format the posts from my phone, but that's okay. it is a much easier way to get photos uploaded without the hassle of e-mailing, downloading, then uploading...