after leaving vito with a peanut butter filled kong and other fun chewy toys for two hours, i came home to this:

this, of course, is not his first rodeo...when it comes to carpet. quite a few months ago, he thought, "oh i'll chew on the carpet!" but it wasn't a piece in the corner or by a wall. vito started pulling up little carpet chunks right smack in the middle of the floor. so if you ever visit, you'll know why we have a completely random hole in the center of living room.
apparently toys aren't enough for the destructive puppy...he wants bigger and better things. next thing i know, he'll go after the sheet rock, like my parents dog maisie. i'll save that story for another day.
This would make me incredibly mad. I hope he's lovable too and not just destructive.
seperation anxiety
elizabeth - i figure it could be a lot worse. he really hasn't destroyed a whole lot of stuff, especially while he was teething. & i think bfff & i raised the most lovable, cuddly dog ever. he's really a sweetheart, just has a lot of energy :)
When our dog was a pup, he ate half a couch. True story. At least it was secondhand.
erin - i just read your post about the couch incident. hilarious! any advice on leaving the dog out?
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