i've been slaving away on the wedding invites. ok, maybe not slaving, but i've logged quite a few hours on them thus far. i wanted to create something fun and a bit different from a traditional invitation, since we aren't exactly a traditional couple. i'm working on the designs right now - and will send them off to have letterpress plates made as soon as i'm done. hopefully we will have our location nailed down this week so i can finish the next part of the invitations! so here's the plan:
i'm going to use an A7 half-moon enclosure:

and print this design on it (in our colors, red & aqua):

then use this flat card to print addition info - like our full names, parents names, place, time & date - and slide this flat card into the enclosure:
i'm going to print a white 4 bar rsvp card and include this little envelope:
and put everything (enclosure w/ flat card, rsvp card & envelope) into this envelope:
bada bing bada boom WEDDING INVITES!
oooh pretty
Steph, I love it!! I can't wait to see what they look like once you print them!
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