hello. my name is stephanie. you'll find here: quips about random things i find, updates regarding my little business Tama Press, and other various pieces of my life...
my dear friend brandi (of not your average ordinary) sent me the coolest gift ever - and it was such a surprise! check out the packaging (YAY japanese masking tape):
this perfectly described my life in the last couple of years...i'm happier than i've ever been in my life. i have a wonderful life filled with lots of joy and love, from my bfff, my puppies, family & friends.
i'm in love with my best friend...and we are getting married in the near future, starting our happily ever after :)
and i'm home - since i left my parents home for college, i never really had that settled feeling of being home...until i moved in with bfff.
thank you brandi for such a sweet thoughtful gift. i can't wait to put it up in my studio :)
You're welcome! ;-)
this is so sweet. i love it.
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